I’ve always believed if you live right, then once is enough.

Brita Michelle is the CEO of The Jumpstart Queen LLC. After a 30-year career “back stage” in the Music Industry, working on accounts with famous icons such as Prince and Death Row Records, she is ready to take “center stage” to empower those struggling with obesity to achieve their weight loss goals. She knows a thing or two about this struggle because she has found the sweet spot of weight loss success and shares it in her signature 4-step wellness system. That sweet spot isn’t the beginning (because everyone can get started). It’s not at the end (because there is always a crowd at the finish line). The sweet spot is in the middle - the toughest spot…the loneliest spot - which is also the place where radical celebration must take place daily in order to reach the finish line. With her trademark blend of comedy and no-nonsense advice, she guides others to overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and achieve wellness goals, no matter how high the scale or how many times they may have stumbled in the past.

Brita is on a mission to empower 400,000 individuals to lose over 40 million lbs by 2027.

Now that you've met me, consider booking a one on one session with me.  I would love to take my 30+ years of business and wellness experience and see how I can help you revive or jumpstart your dreams. Whether your dreams are business or wellness related, I would love to coach you on your journey.

Book a 1:1 Session to Get Your Dreams Out of Your Heart and Into the World


Join the Community & Me in a "21 Day Wellness Can't Weight" Journey


Just like I had to get to know who I am...

...I will help you get to know who you are too, why YOUR dreams matter, and how to jumpstart them. 

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